Tag Archives: why?

Why should I learn to do bedside ultrasound?

We live in exciting times. We know ultrasound imaging provides valuable clinical information. It was the case that the machines were large, expensive, and difficult to use. They were also kept in the radiology department under lock and key. But technology moves fast. Now the machines are small, portable, user-friendly and much less expensive which means ultrasound is available to anyone who is willing to take the time and learn how to use it. And if you can use it, it can help narrow down your differential diagnosis; it can help you manage the patient, not in the morning, not the next day, but now. Bedside or point of care ultrasound is joining forces with clinical history taking and examination. In the near future, as the technology shrinks further, we might see an ultrasound unit in the pocket of every clinician right along side their stethoscope.